Thursday, 2 September 2010

This book is disgusting (competition!)

Time for a competition - hurrah! My lovely editor at Barrington Stoke has sent me extra copies of Grim, Gross and Grisly to give away to my very tolerant blog-readers and twits. Be sure you want to win before you enter... the book is disgusting. The strap is 'Disgusting facts about people' and it contains horrible details about humans, what they've done to their bodies and things that happen to them. I would like to say it came with a free sick-bag, but budgets are tight and the publishers wouldn't do that, so bring your own bucket.

So how do you win this horrible tome? You need to prove you can stomach it by sending me your own disgusting fact. I'll extend it a bit and say it can be about humans OR animals. Either put your disgusting fact in the comments here, or stick it on twitter with the hash tag #grimgrossgrisly and my name (@annerooney) so I can find it easily, or put them on my Facebook author page. Most horrible facts win! The number of prizes depends on how many facts you all send in, so start trawling for grossery now.

Judging is entirely subjective, and facts taken from any of my previous books do NOT qualify.



  1. My son would love a copy of your book. He's 11. I asked him for some disgusting facts. He tells me that starfish can turn their stomachs inside out and that the average American eats five gallons of ice cream a year.

    P.S. I have no idea if either of these 'facts' are true!!

  2. It is certainly true that starfish can turn their stomachs inside out. Not sure about the Americans. 5 gallons doesn't sound enough ;-) He qualifies on the first fact, though!

  3. "The average person swallows about a quart of snot a day."

    I found that yummy fact here:

  4. My brother, who's also 11, would love this.
    So my fact/urban legend is:
    During your lifetime an average of 6 spirders will crawl into your mouth as you sleep. And you will swallow them.

  5. This disgusting fact comes my daughter, 10:

    'It is healthy to eat your own snot, just not healthy to eat that of anyone else.'

  6. This from my boy Archie, 10: "your ears never stop growing however old you are and you nails still grow even after you are dead."

