Sunday, 13 June 2010


Lovely followers, I am sorry I've left you all stuck on Clause 14 for so long. Trips into the Slough of Despond have detained me, I'm afraid. And I have also been rather caught up in launching a literary salon for professional writers in Cambridge. It's called Thrale's (after Hester Thrale) and will meet about every two months. It's very exciting, and the launch party is tonight - so I'll soon be back to my blogging duties. Thank you for your patience - and if you're impatient, and wriggling around and thinking of deserting me, then I'm very sorry and thank you for holding on a tiny bit longer.


  1. What is the Kia-ora advert? Just noticed it under the crow *grin*

  2. It was an advert for an evil drink full of chemicals, probably in the 1970s or maybe 1980s, with lots of cartoon crows flapping around :-)

  3. Hope your literary salon Thrale's made a brilliant start on Saturday evening!

  4. Thank you Penny, it did! Lots of people came and they all talked and had a good time and said they would come back in the autumn, so it was a great success. We will have 'country members' so that writers we like outside Cambridge can come to events if they happen to be in Cambridge when there is something on. The website is

  5. A literary salon sounds awesome, you'll have to tell us all about it!

  6. Jan, when it gets going properly I will!
